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Tooth sensitivity

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Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort in one or more teeth that is triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing cold air. The pain can be sharp, sudden, and shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth.

Sensitive teeth occur when the underlying layer of your teeth, the dentin, becomes exposed as a result of receding gum tissue (the protective blanket that covers the tooth roots).

12 causes of Sensitive Teeth

Brushing too hard – Over time, brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down enamel and cause the dentin to be exposed. It can also cause recession of the gums (the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth).

Tooth decay near the gum line.

Recession of the gums – As gums move away from a tooth due to conditions such as periodontal disease, the root surface becomes exposed.

Gum disease (gingivitis) – Inflamed and sore gum tissue may cause sensitivity due to the loss of supporting ligaments, which exposes the root surface that leads directly to the nerve of the tooth.

Cracked teeth – Chipped or broken teeth may fill with bacteria from plaque and enter the pulp causing Inflammation.

Teeth Grinding – Grinding or clenching your teeth may wear down the enamel and expose underlying dentin.

Tooth whitening products – These products may be major contributors to sensitive teeth.

Your age – Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.

Plaque build-up – The presence of plaque on the root surfaces can cause sensitivity.

Mouthwash use – Long-term use of some mouthwashes. Some over-the-counter mouthwashes contain acids that can worsen tooth sensitivity if you have exposed dentin (the middle layer of the tooth). The acids further damage the dentin layer of the tooth. If you have dentin sensitivity, ask your dentist about the use of a neutral fluoride solution.

Acidic foods – Regular consumption of foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea, can cause enamel erosion.

Recent routine dental procedures – Sensitivity can occur following teeth cleaning, root planing, crown placement, and tooth restoration. Sensitivity caused by dental procedures is temporary, usually disappearing in four to six weeks.


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